I believe that the journey is just as important as the destination, as is reflected in one of my favorite quotes by author J.R.R. Tolkein. Sit back and enjoy as I wander through life, keeping in mind that Not All Who Wander Are Lost!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Peering Back and Gazing Forward:

2008 -> 2009

Okay, so yesterday, I made a few resolutions. I laid down the rules for the upcoming 2009... But I wanted to take a moment to look back at 2008 before it's faded completely into the background. 2008 was an odd year, I admit. It seemed like a lot of work and overall quite tumultuous. I just want to highlight some of the parts that stand out most in my mind.

My Year in Review:
~ My aunt was still living with us in January, and my dad was out of town for the New Year. Family life was a bit crazy on and off for the entire year.
~ In January the writer's strike started. Shortly after, the Golden Globes were canceled, most TV shows went off the air, and several movies were delayed. This felt fairly chaotic as it's usually a rather routine part of life.
~ Heath Ledger died in January, which struck me as an extremely tragic event. Every time I see him on screen now - I recently saw A Knight's Tale and The Dark Knight - I feel saddened that this young man didn't have more time to live up to his extreme potential.
~ February through May are vague in my mind; a period of insane over-working and a huge burden of school work, ACT and SAT prep, and attempting to find a summer job.
~ In March, I get my driver's license. I still remember the first time we needed to pick up dinner but mom was busy, and I was so excited to say "I'll go do it!"
~ In May my cousin died in a motorcycle accident, throwing that part of my family into hell.
~ June through August went quickly as I babysat like mad, worked at Boulder County Aging Services, and tried to avoid the big c word (college!).
~ In June, my aunt bought an apartment, moved out from our home, and moved in there.
~ In June and July, we (finally) bought new furniture and a new TV for our family room. We get HD quality TV with a ton of channels, including a free upgrade of HBO. My head practically explodes with excitement, and with not having to deal with our crappy furniture.
[Note that it's just about a year until I move out for good. XD]
~ In July, I went to Chicago for J Camp, which was a very good experience.
~ August marked the beginning of the Beijing Olympics, which were stunning and occupied most of my attention over their duration. Michael Phelps was phenomenal, the American gymnasts rocked, and the opening and closing ceremonies were scarily impressive.
~ In August, I did Link training, then arrived at school early (despite all their fears that they'd have to delay the start because the school wasn't finished) for the freshman orientation day.
~ August 15, I officially started school as a senior, sitting in the senior lounge and walking on the senior balcony. Hell yeah!
~ August 31: I turn 17. Holy moly.
~ September through December, I worked. Really, that's about all I remember.
~ November 4, we make history. Obama is elected. 'Nuff said.
~ Mom and I went away together! Squee! In mid-November, we travelled to NYC, saw everything (including Daniel Radcliffe, woot!), saw Bard (didn't like it), saw Ithaca (did like it). It was a blast! Easily one of my favorite parts of the year.
~ November and December were a mad rush to get ready for Christmas and finals. I had three secret santas plus a Christmas card exchange to take care of - Leaky made my Christmas awesome! - then studied like mad for a week solid, managing to avoid getting sick until the day after finals ended.
~ Christmas hit, and was totally awesome. I got the collector's Beedle the Bard, a lovely ring from my parents, a personalized recipe box, the mug I've been wanting, jewelry, books, clothes.... Wonderful holiday.
~ Then New Year's and here we are!
Oh, and somewhere in there, the stock market crashed and the economy went to pieces.

Wow, when I list it all off like that, there actually was a lot that happened last year. Now, other than things I want to change, there are many parts of 2009 that I look forward to, have hopes for, and sincerely hope for success in. Let me take a moment to gaze forward into the coming year.

Looking Ahead:
~ Obama: January 21, baby, that's when it all starts.
~ Oscars: I'm excited! I've actually seen a lot of the probably nominees this year!
~ College: Blah. Yeah. Covered that already. I've gotta decide some time though.
~ LeakyCon: It's so very annoying that it's on the same weekend as graduation, but I thought, I soul searched, and I'm going to be there. It just means so much to me.
~ HBP: Okay, now we're getting way ahead of ourselves, but they delayed the movie (and pissed us off), and now we can start counting down again. July's where the magic happens!

That's all I know, really. After the summer ends, my life is a big blank mystery. So, *raises a virtual, non-alchoholic glass* Here's to a year that's full of new beginnings!

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