I believe that the journey is just as important as the destination, as is reflected in one of my favorite quotes by author J.R.R. Tolkein. Sit back and enjoy as I wander through life, keeping in mind that Not All Who Wander Are Lost!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


(It's true! And I really can't resist starting blogs with a photo.)

Well, I sure haven't been blogging a lot. With only 3 posts in March, 1 tenth of the total month's days, I certainly can no longer say that I "regularly" keep a blog, as I often do, but I mean to change that. You see, I find it particularly easy to rant and ramble on here after I have watched a film of sorts - something that leaves me with a lot of thoughts and opinions. But when it comes to the chance to opine on a variety of other subjects (REAL LIFE, for example), I often don't make time to come in and record my very own two cents for view on the world wide web.

Recently, nerdfighter-associated author Maureen Johnson started a project that's floating through the blogosphere like a wildfire: Blog Every Day April (BEDA). She came to the realization (much like myself) that she had not, in fact, been a regular blogger, and she had the desire to change this. Many people are following suite, with the hopes of recording their own two cents for view on the world wide web every day of April's 30. Some brave and visual individuals are doing their own take on the project, Vlog Every Day April (VEDA).

Now, this is the kind of project that makes my fingers itch to start typing, my brain racing with sentences, and my to do list filled with homework to feel mundane and ANNOYING. But, alas, with a to do list that grows longer constantly (despite the fact that I've checked a half a dozen things off today alone) and a schedule that's filling up more and more... not to mention a handful of SCARY AP and IB tests that are looming over me, alas... I am fully aware that I cannot participate in this fun. Once again I find myself in the position of DYING to participate in something (NaNoWriMo, Hooter, Project for Awesome) but not being able to due to its timing. (Hell, if NaNoWriMo were in June, I'd have 50,000 words in a heartbeat... but in Novemember, I have finals to study for, a holiday to relax over, and I invariably get a tiny chicken in my brain at some point).

It's not that I strictly COULDN'T blog every day in April. I could. I could promise to try, and do pretty well, but I know better for myself. It's not smart to create another thing I feel like I HAVE to do at this point in time. So, I'm starting my own variation... BALA. Aka, Blog A Lot April. I want to Blog A Lot in April. I'm not going to even try to make a promise to do it every day, but since I really appreciate the general ENERGY, EFFORT, and IDEA behind BEDA, I want to participate in some way. Blogging is like keeping a public journal. It's a nice way to relax, unwind, take a break from studying, and get rid of Brain Crack (Ideas that stick in your brain but that you never act on). So, this is my announcement - not promise, commitment, or goal, but announcement - that I HOPE to blog a lot this month.

We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

If you blog it they will read it (or at least i will)